We put engineering at your fingertips: we offer you the opportunity to have a specialized and experienced team collaborate with you for the proper operation of your projects.

Consulting and training
  • We have an important team of expert engineers who have mastered the national and international regulations. A differential value which is a great advantage for our customers.
Diseño de Sistemas
Gestión administrativa
Project management

We seek to collaborate with the development of the national and regional industry, assisting our clients in all stages of the development of their projects.

We integrate factors such as value and experience in the execution of any project and achieve the best technical and economic solution when defining, designing and adapting it to the real needs of our clients.

  • Calculation memories
  • Bill of Materials Generator
  • Value engineering
  • Project reengineering
  • Planning and control
  • Budget and paperwork
  • Accompaniment in inspections with the Ministry of Health, INS and Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos.
Contact us